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Disobedience to Tyranny is Obedience to Freedom!

1st Amendment repealed in Nevada!!

U.N. Advocates Rape & Pedophilia!!

Official: US Army Concentration Camp and Civilian Inmate Labor System Revealed

More Proof of Concentration Camps in America!!

Because of the recent growth of this website, a separate page has been created for links. This main page will focus primarily on news stories and other items of interest.

Are You Being Investigated?

Are you a low priority patient?My Five Minutes is a must read!

Learn Chinese Quickly!!

Feds Can Read Your E-mail

Carnivore Review Team Exposed!

Canadian Judge Agrees: Anthrax Vaccine Unsafe

Feds Deploy “Peeping Tom” X-Ray Machines

U.S. Child Murder Rate Soars: Firearms Least of Factors

Beyond Belief!-Teaching Kids at School to be Queer. See MassNews

Is that formaldehyde you’re drinking?!

A recently uncovered report in the Sunday Times of London reveals that the popular sweetener, aspartame, which is more commonly known as NutraSweet, turns into formaldehyde once it has been ingested. The soft-drink industry opposed the approval of aspartame but our “loving” government via the FDA, claimed it was safe and approved its use anyway.

92 Side Effects of Aspartame

Aspartame Murders Infants

More aspartame links

’Wave America’ program compared to Hitler’s youth tactics

Straight A student deemed dangerous for pro-gun views!

CAFR’s: The Biggest Secret

Gas prices raised by Clinton to help Russia, Mexico, and others.

Member of Congress states U.S. is bankrupt!

Member of Congress states tax system is “voluntary”, but you probably already knew it was.

On Februray 8, 2000, Representative Asa Hutchinson (R-Arkansas) stated on the floor of the House that our tax system is voluntary. Read his statement directly from the Congressional Record

What is money?

IRS Cuts Own Throat!!

The IRS manual contains a section called “Encouraging Voluntary Compliance”. It says compliance is voluntary but in the form of doublespeak of course.

2nd Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Federal gun control laws such as the Brady Act, the National Gun Control Act, and all other federal gun control laws are irrefutably UNCONSTITUTIONAL and must be ignored. The violation of an UnConstitutional law is not a crime. (Norton v. Shelby County, 118 US 425) Congress does not have the Constitutional authority to regulate the buying, selling, or possession of firearms and no American is obligated to obey ANY federal gun control law. States don’t even have the authority to license the possession of firearms. (Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105) AND (Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham Alabama, 373 US 262) The links below provide info about the 2nd Amendment and other gun related topics. There are also links to websites that have auctions and classified ads for new and used guns.

Sign the Million Gun March petition!!

Gun ownership a privilege?

When Australia banned the private ownership of most firearms, inluding .22’s and single shot shotguns, in 1996, it thought crime would go down. In fact, the opposite has happened. Armed robberies are up 45% and gun homicides are up 300% in one state alone! This just goes to show that gun control only makes ciminals safer, not law abiding citizens.

The Ghost From Valley Forge

50 Cal. rifles, no FFL required, no registration, completely private, no background check. Just the way it should be.

More gun links here


World Government; Is our Country Ready?

A must read for every ‘world citizen’.

State Dept. Publication 7277 UN,The Beast in Blue UN no friend of freedom
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency POWER UN in focus

The Charter For Global Democracy

Here’s the story.

Here’s where the charter is, straight from the enemy.
Here’s a printable version


Know Your Enemy:Read the Communist Manifesto

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